Gunawan Jusuf’s Career Achievements and Environmental Advocacy

Gunawan Jusuf

Gunawan Jusuf, in his capacity as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Sugar Group Companies, has showcased exceptional ability in fostering collaboration among employees, subsidiary companies, and various offices and plants, marking a significant milestone in his career. His leadership has been instrumental in driving the conglomerate towards collective growth and profitability.

Beyond his corporate achievements, Gunawan Jusuf is deeply committed to environmental advocacy. This dedication is evident in his book “Blue Gold,” published several years ago, which provides an insightful examination of water scarcity and its critical importance as the world’s most vital and limited resource. Through his extensive business experience, Jusuf has developed a profound understanding of the value and scarcity of natural resources.

As CEO, Gunawan Jusuf has successfully managed a diverse portfolio of independent companies under the Sugar Group Companies umbrella, leading to substantial growth across various product lines. Among the notable successes is Gulaku, a premium refined sugar brand that has gained widespread recognition and popularity throughout Indonesia. Operating both independently and in synergy within the conglomerate, these businesses, including Gulaku, collaborate to achieve the overarching objectives of the Sugar Group Companies.

Gunawan Jusuf’s dual focus on effective business management and environmental stewardship underscores his significant contributions to both the corporate world and broader societal issues. His leadership not only drives economic success but also promotes awareness of critical environmental challenges.